This one-time purchase of a half-share of our herd allows you to enjoy our healthy goats milk or products! Simply pay a monthly fee for us to feed, house, milk, and just generally take care of the goats. In return, you may choose a half-gallon of milk, 2 cups of cheese, 1 quart of yogurt, or two bars of soap every other week! You may opt out at any time, and we will buy your share back from you at the price you paid.
One Half-Share of Land of Canaan Herd
Land of Canaan Farm sells a share of the Land of Canaan goat herd for $60 per share or a half-share for $30, and enters into a boarding agreement with the Share Owner:
___________________________________ (your name) on ____________________(date).
Share of the Herd
The Land of Canaan Farm herd is currently located at 622 Moore Road North WIlkesboro, NC 28659.
Each full-share is roughly equal to 1/10 of a goat.
At the time of the Share Owner opting out, Land of Canaan Farm will purchase the share back from the Share Owner.
Boarding Agreement
The Share Owner agrees to pay a monthly boarding fee of $40 per share or $20 per half-share. This covers the cost of feed, fencing, pasture maintenance, veterinary care, husbandry, milking, milk handling, and any other expenses incurred in the maintenance of the Land of Canaan herd.
The Share Owner is entitled to their share of the milk, yogurt, and/or cheese produced at Land of Canaan Farm. A share is roughly equal to a half gallon of milk, 1 quart of yogurt, 2 cups of cheese, or two bars of soap per week or every other week for half-share. In rare occurrences, the amounts could be less due to unforeseen events. In the months of July, August, and September, there will be no products available and no monthly fee assessed.
In boarding the herd, Land of Canaan Farm agrees to manage the herd for optimal health, safety, and production of the goats, with quality of milk and sustainability of the herd being the primary goals. Land of Canaan Farm reserves the right to make dietary and medical decisions for the entire herd. Should any does need medication, they will be milked separately from the rest of the herd. Their milk will be withheld and disposed of according to medication directions.
Product Pick-Up
Share Owner is responsible for picking up their share of products on Thursdays at 5:00 pm in the parking lot of Brushy Mountain IGA located at 2759 Statesville Rd, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
Land of Canaan Farm will provide glass containers with reusable lids. Please return them, washed, at each pick-up.
Payments may be made via the Land of Canaan website, Venmo, or with cash and should be made at the first pick-up of each month.
Sale of Raw Milk
Share Owner and Land of Canaan Farm understand that the sale of raw milk is forbidden by North Carolina Law and agree that no raw milk will be sold by either party. Share Owner agrees that their share of raw milk, cheese, and/or yogurt produced by the Land of Canaan herd is for their own consumption.
Assumption of Risk
Share Owner understands that consuming raw milk is not recommended by the Center for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, or the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Share Owner voluntarily assumes risks associated with consuming raw milk and assumes liability for any harm caused to anyone by drinking or handling raw milk that is in or has been in Share Owner's possession.
Share Owner understands that entering farm property contains inherent risks to self and assumes responsibility for any harm to self incurred on farm property.
Share Owner is held responsible for any willful or accidental damage to goats or farm property that they may cause by entering farm property. Please stay back from all electrified fencing. Don’t go into pastures or the barn unless invited.
By signing this agreement, Share Owner releases Land of Canaan Farm and farm landowners from any liability for any harm or loss caused by handling or consuming milk from the Land of Canaan herd or from entering the farm property.
By signing, we agree to the terms of this agreement and begin boarding services and fees immediately.
Signed by Land of Canaan Farm:
___________________________________________ Date:___________________
Signed by Share Owner:
___________________________________________ Date:___________________